3 Subtle Signs of Prostate Cancer

Cancer — any type of cancer — isn’t something you want to let fly under the radar.
Unfortunately, there are some side effects of early onset prostate cancer that are either easy to write off or that mimic another condition, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Our team of prostate cancer specialists led by Dr. Philip Weintraub at Urology Associates Medical Group wants all our patients to know exactly what to look for so they can get the medical support they need to proactively address life’s most threatening diseases.
Here’s everything you should know about prostate cancer and what to look for.
Prostate cancer preview
This cancer develops in your prostate, a small gland that produces seminal fluid. It occurs when DNA cells mutate, grow, and divide faster than healthy cells. This rapid cell growth creates a tumor that can interfere with nearby tissue and eventually spread to other parts of the body.
Virtually any man can get prostate cancer, but there are risk factors, such as:
- Being over 50
- Being of African heritage
- Having a family history of prostate cancer
- Inheriting mutated genes
Some also believe that a poor diet, obesity, smoking, and exposure to chemicals like arsenic and Agent Orange can also increase your risk.
The subtle signs
Whether or not you check any of those boxes, every man should know what they're up against. Here’s what to look for when it comes to prostate cancer.
1. Urination issues
An inflamed prostate puts pressure on your urinary tract and can cause difficulty urinating, frequent urination, painful urination, weak urine stream, and difficulty holding back urine.
2. Erectile dysfunction
Prostate cancer can also interfere with your ability to get and keep an erection. Since erectile dysfunction can develop for several reasons, including prostate cancer, we strongly encourage you to see us at the first sign of dysfunction.
3. Aches and pains
Advanced prostate cancer causes your bones and joints to ache, but you might chalk it up to your age or everyday aches and pains.
Because prostate cancer can sneak up on you, we strongly recommend those who are most at risk for prostate cancer to see us regularly for screenings.
Less sneaky signs of prostate cancer
There are much more obvious signs of prostate cancer that warrant immediate medical attention.
If you have blood in your urine (even a little bit, even if there’s no pain, and even if it only happens one time), you should see us for a prostate cancer evaluation.
Pelvic pain is another indicator of advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer grows rapidly and can eventually invade the muscles in your rectal wall. If this happens, you might feel like you’re sitting on a ball.
Your next steps
If you’re worried about prostate cancer, our office should be your first stop. In many cases, our specialists can detect prostate cancer just by discussing your symptoms with you. We may also screen you for prostate cancer even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms.
In fact, we recommend prostate cancer screenings for all men who are at high risk.
We can perform a digital rectal exam and order a prostate-specific antigen test, an ultrasound of the prostate, or a biopsy.
Treating prostate cancer
Fortunately, many men don’t need immediate treatment for prostate cancer, especially if you pay attention to the warning signs and catch it early. When treatment is necessary, we may recommend surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy, or chemotherapy.
If you’re at risk, experiencing symptoms, or simply want to be proactive, we want to see you for a prostate exam. Call 818-853-9659 to speak with one of our friendly staff members and schedule an appointment at our Burbank, California, office.
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